You are correct about being able to use banked leave time later. But I don't know about you but I have bills i have to pay now, not later. I never said I had it bad but I get sick and tired of hearing how I have it soooo easy. That is simply not true. the fact is I get 72 cents on the dollar compared to people with similar education in the private sector. I do not have a cadillac retirement like everyone seems to think. My insurance premiums have doubled the past couple of years and they are threatening to raise them again. I am told that I am underworked and lazy because that may have been the case 30 years ago when case loads were around 100 per worker but now that they are 650 in Genesee County and upwards of 1200 in places like Wayne County that is simply not the case. We have a computer system [[Bridges) that just doesn't work so on top of the high case loads we can't process them correctly.

So forgive if I get a little defensive when idiots like you tell me I am not living in reality. When the economy tanks we get more work not the other way around. Lansing needs to stop balancing the budget on our back and start looking internally.