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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Rideron View Post
    Kwame will likely never see a Federal trial.

    If he does, he will be acquited.

    This IS Detroit.
    Or will it, finally, be the pendulum swinging the other way.

    folks have been waiting for decades...

  2. #27


    I share the sentiment above. What a disappointment. Here was a bright young man handed a city experiencing a turnaround positioned to take it to a new level -- and instead he made it his playpen and behaved like decadent royalty.

    Yeah these are still allegations so he is innocent of them until proven otherwise than in the press and internet.

    But that doesn't matter in this case as he is already a self-confessed felon and disgraced in all eyes but his.

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    I share the sentiment above. What a disappointment. Here was a bright young man handed a city experiencing a turnaround positioned to take it to a new level -- and instead he made it his playpen and behaved like decadent royalty.

    Yeah these are still allegations so he is innocent of them until proven otherwise than in the press and internet.

    But that doesn't matter in this case as he is already a self-confessed felon and disgraced in all eyes but his.
    Lowell, I agree with much of that. People forget that when KK came into office we were coming out of the Archer tenure that saw eight years of balanced budgets, a minor tax cut, Compuware and GM relocating downtown, Ford Field, Comerica Park, new housing developments, etc. During that time I would actually have friends call me from around the country every once in a while and say things like, "Hey, I saw your Mayor on TV the other day. He seems pretty sharp."

    I also think people have a tendency to overstate how bright KK was. He talked a good game and said most of the right things, but as time has shown, he wasn't very bright at all.

    It's a tragedy, no doubt.

  4. #29


    It's irony you know.

    Years ago Detroiters had to choose between a ex-police lieutenant/city council president and a young state representative who was the Democratic leader of the State House. Everyone was aware of Gil Hill. He was gruff, he was abrasive, he was old. Kilpatrick was young, full of ideas and full of charisma. Kilpatrick won and everything went downhill afterwards. Ironic that Detroit is now ran by a old man. If only Detroit had elected Hill things might had been different.


  5. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Motor City Sam View Post
    I also think people have a tendency to overstate how bright KK was. He talked a good game and said most of the right things...
    I agree -- I think his intelligence is often very overstated. He never struck me as having any sort of remarkable intellect, he just seemed to be a good talker.

  6. #31


    A crook through and through. Nothing bright about that young man.

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck_MI View Post
    From AP Wire: Government documents suggest the FBI also is investigating possible money-laundering or tax evasion by the ex-mayor. Kilpatrick, who has been under criminal probe by the Internal Revenue Service, made several cash deposits, which he kept under $10,000 -- the level that would trigger automatic scrutiny by federal bank regulators
    What Kwame obviously didn't realize is that a series of deposits just under $10,000 is suspected by a bank to be an activity known as structuring, and also triggers bank scrutiny. While such a series of deposits could be innocent, a bank realizes that a customer could be deliberately trying to avoid the scrutiny that comes with a deposit of $10,000 or more. A bank's anti-money laundering department is required by the Patriot Act to submit a Suspicious Activity Report [[SAR) to the FBI if structuring is suspected. The series of deposits made by Kwame most definitely would have been reported to the FBI -- it is standard procedure.

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    Even though the feds have the evidence, they have said, they may not even prosecute.
    In your post, do you mean "they have said" they have evidence, or "they have said" they may not prosecute? I don't know that the Feds have ever said they might not prosecute.

  9. #34


    Why do you think Bully-Cummings is talking?

  10. #35
    lilpup Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    What Kwame obviously didn't realize is that a series of deposits just under $10,000 is suspected by a bank to be an activity known as structuring, and also triggers bank scrutiny. While such a series of deposits could be innocent, a bank realizes that a customer could be deliberately trying to avoid the scrutiny that comes with a deposit of $10,000 or more. A bank's anti-money laundering department is required by the Patriot Act to submit a Suspicious Activity Report [[SAR) to the FBI if structuring is suspected. The series of deposits made by Kwame most definitely would have been reported to the FBI -- it is standard procedure.
    Structuring alone is a five year federal felony.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    I agree -- I think his intelligence is often very overstated. He never struck me as having any sort of remarkable intellect, he just seemed to be a good talker.
    President Obama?

  12. #37


    http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=5836 This is an article about the statue of limitations involving Rico cases. Is it too late to charge little kk and his dad?

  13. #38


    Nope, you're wrong... they just "picking" on him ! Just joking. You are precisely correct, its banking policy not specific to him, but he just doesn't get it. In his world he tried to be slick, but never quite "slick" enough, thus all the obvious bumbles and stumbles... even the bit about feigning to be indigent. Just a bad strategy. Yet he felt/ feels he can bull-doze thru sheer might, arrogance and bullying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    What Kwame obviously didn't realize is that a series of deposits just under $10,000 is suspected by a bank to be an activity known as structuring, and also triggers bank scrutiny. While such a series of deposits could be innocent, a bank realizes that a customer could be deliberately trying to avoid the scrutiny that comes with a deposit of $10,000 or more. A bank's anti-money laundering department is required by the Patriot Act to submit a Suspicious Activity Report [[SAR) to the FBI if structuring is suspected. The series of deposits made by Kwame most definitely would have been reported to the FBI -- it is standard procedure.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-22-10 at 07:21 AM.

  14. #39


    Hah! Well stated. These folks are not too "slick" [[they - KK, Mon-Con are too self-involved to see they don't know the ropes), even the so called street common "skags" [[as you say) know the game better than to leave such a strong, obvious money trail. That's why when the rollers finally do their busts and raids they find all this cash......
    Quote Originally Posted by Ravine View Post
    Let's not become too giddy.
    A RICO case is difficult to pull off. The Freep is telling us that the feds may be preparing to attempt to do so. That may be so, but it doesn't mean that they will proceed with it. Just as it would be a big one to win, it also would be a big one to lose; some of the eggs that would go into that omelette might be more successfully used in servings not so difficult to flip, as it would be a shame to waste them.
    Also, Kado was facing heavy punishment. As much as we may be plenty willing, at this point, to believe just about anything bad about KK , it is distinctly possible that Kado was willing to say anything in order to save his own skin.
    Although, if it is true that the relevant bank records lend credence to Kado's story, well, that's quite interesting, huh.
    Also, why are some of these crooks so stupid? If I had just obtained many thousands of dollars in a shady way, I would take that shit home with me, not deposit it in the bank. Common skag pushers know better than that.
    And, then we have Monica Conyers. If the $6000 figure is correct, and the sludge-hauling deal was worth 1.2 billion, then dividing those amounts down brings us to the same thing as, say, me helping you get access to 1.2 million, and all I get out of the deal is a goddam $6.00 tip on the way to being busted for a major, career-ending felony.
    What a cheap date, especially for a classless dame who has the audacity to talk down to people.
    Hah!! Not so smart, now, huh, dumb-ass!!

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    It's irony you know.

    Years ago Detroiters had to choose between a ex-police lieutenant/city council president and a young state representative who was the Democratic leader of the State House. Everyone was aware of Gil Hill. He was gruff, he was abrasive, he was old. Kilpatrick was young, full of ideas and full of charisma. Kilpatrick won and everything went downhill afterwards. Ironic that Detroit is now ran by a old man. If only Detroit had elected Hill things might had been different.

    Slow it down. Had Gil Hill been elected we would have seen the same thing with a few variations on the players. Chris Jackson, Art Blackwell, Jim Papas and Ted Gatzaros are all of Gil's boys'. Gil was dirtier on City Council than Bates or Conyers ever was. He was just slicker about it and no one was looking at the time.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
    Slow it down. Had Gil Hill been elected we would have seen the same thing with a few variations on the players. Chris Jackson, Art Blackwell, Jim Papas and Ted Gatzaros are all of Gil's boys'. Gil was dirtier on City Council than Bates or Conyers ever was. He was just slicker about it and no one was looking at the time.
    I heard some tales about Gil from some ex Homicide guys that confirmed alot of the above.

  17. #42
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    I agree -- I think his intelligence is often very overstated. He never struck me as having any sort of remarkable intellect, he just seemed to be a good talker.
    ...and he ultimately took a lot of credit for things either set in place by the Archer administration or collateral effects of Archer administration. He gets so much credit for "potential" and "intelligence", etc., when there has never really been anything to back that up.

    One of his closest friends and biggest supporters is Malik Shabazz. That is how I gauge his intelligence.

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by bartock View Post
    ...and he ultimately took a lot of credit for things either set in place by the Archer administration or collateral effects of Archer administration. He gets so much credit for "potential" and "intelligence", etc., when there has never really been anything to back that up.

    One of his closest friends and biggest supporters is Malik Shabazz. That is how I gauge his intelligence.
    Really one doesn't even need to look that deep to see that Kwame is a dumb sack of shit. If he was even moderately intelligent he would not have been broomed from office on a pretty silly perjury charge. He would have been smart enough to pay off the pensions 7 years ago when it could have been nipped in the bud. Or, better yet, he'd have pinned it all on Beatty. At this point, its pretty obvious the only place Beatty would roll on Kwame is in the bedroom. If he'd been even a little smart, he'd be comfortably ensconced in the Manoogian, riding out a third term and collecting little brown envelopes stuffed with benjamins, while banging Christine up at the Madison heights embassy suites every tues and thursday. He's an entitled brat with a learning disability. He obviously didn't listen or could not comprehend the teachings of the Congressmommy and Killer on how to use public office for private gains and get away with it for 35+ years. Frankly if I were Killer or Momma Cheeks I'd be pissed I failed so miserably at imparting an education on that lard ass and having to now deal with the mess.

  19. #44
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
    Really one doesn't even need to look that deep to see that Kwame is a dumb sack of shit. If he was even moderately intelligent he would not have been broomed from office on a pretty silly perjury charge. He would have been smart enough to pay off the pensions 7 years ago when it could have been nipped in the bud. Or, better yet, he'd have pinned it all on Beatty. At this point, its pretty obvious the only place Beatty would roll on Kwame is in the bedroom. If he'd been even a little smart, he'd be comfortably ensconced in the Manoogian, riding out a third term and collecting little brown envelopes stuffed with benjamins, while banging Christine up at the Madison heights embassy suites every tues and thursday. He's an entitled brat with a learning disability. He obviously didn't listen or could not comprehend the teachings of the Congressmommy and Killer on how to use public office for private gains and get away with it for 35+ years. Frankly if I were Killer or Momma Cheeks I'd be pissed I failed so miserably at imparting an education on that lard ass and having to now deal with the mess.
    Ha! Very, very true.

  20. #45


    King Kwame money parties has just begun. So far that FBI does have circumstantial evidence that King Kwame and his father accepted bribes, but haven't been charge with the crime until the prosecutor makes the call.

  21. #46


    Made CNN national news as of 10:45 today. Long interview wth Jim Schaefer of the Free Press.

  22. #47
    Buy American Guest


    As I have said before, thug KK must have something pretty heavy on Karmanos to keep his high paying job. I can't imagine a felon such as the thug keeping this job, his Escalades, his high rent mansion, his lavish lifestyle. There is something definitely wrong with this picture. The creep is still thumbing his nose at everyone, including the judge.

  23. #48


    If this ONE business gave Kwame $100,000 and Bernard $290,000 how many other business's were paying for favors?????????? And Kwame wants us to think he is broke, $700,000+ went through his accounts in 1 year and now there suddenly isn't any money. BS. Also how many business's did that pay to play scheme run out of Detroit, ultimately causing it's demise? I sure hope that the supporters of this scum finally open their eyes. But than again if what has already been proven about Kwame and his gang hasn't changed their support of him I have no idea what will.

  24. #49


    With all of the lavish spending he did in the last year and a half, he could have had a helluva yard sale and raised the money! Things could have been returned, pawned, sold, etc.

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
    Slow it down. Had Gil Hill been elected we would have seen the same thing with a few variations on the players. Chris Jackson, Art Blackwell, Jim Papas and Ted Gatzaros are all of Gil's boys'. Gil was dirtier on City Council than Bates or Conyers ever was. He was just slicker about it and no one was looking at the time.
    Don't take it so seriously. I doubt that Hill was any saint. I was just make an observation on how Detroit is now being ran by a guy in his 60's just as Hill was when he ran for mayor.

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