Quote Originally Posted by DetroitTitan View Post
A marijuana district [[if regulated carefully) would make Detroit once more a destination for suburbanites. People would travel to Cass Corridor. The city itself is very liberal already concerning marijuana. I don't believe it would add any stigma to Detroit. Amsterdam isn't looked down upon, its a world-famous destination. Such a progressive initiative and district would put Detroit on the map as the Amsterdam of America, we would leapfrog California in liberal/progressive movement. Why not process marijuana along Cass Ave? Cannabis pulp for paper? That's called industry and jobs. Case closed. Win-Win
I agree, I have always though Michigan & Detroit were missing an opportunity with marijuana legislation and allowing dispensaries. Detroit is the perfect environment for soft marijuana legalization because it already has a reputation as a city of vice. The idea is to take that reputation and market it, turn it inside out, taking it from the hands of the criminals and regulating it, just like the casinos. I would wager it would even cut down on street crime significantly, and have the effect of 'gentrifying' stretches of the Corridor, pushing out the hookers & crack addicts and bringing in the artists, young adults who grew up in the city, and young professionals. It could be a very diverse neighborhood.

I have also felt Detroit needs a kind of bohemian coffee house where absinthe and other alcoholic drinks are sold, in addition to nicely brewed coffee.

People visit Detroit for an off-the-beaten path experience, so let's capitalize on that. It would be better than the strip clubs & casinos.