Quote Originally Posted by MichMatters View Post
It seems to me that you could amputate the whole Thumb and Bay regions, and most Michiganders wouldn't notice. Saginaw-Bay City-Midland really have to do a better job marketing themselves, particularly because they aren't at a natural transportation crossroads. You have to quite literally go out of your way from just about anywhere in the state to get to them.

You know a small region, though, that really doesn't get the respect it deserves? Traverse City. It's been quickly growing, progressive for a small urban area, insanely clean and well-kept, and with some of the most underrated geography in the state. If I ever had to move to a smallish area, it't be up in Traverse City. Michael Moore bringing up to the area big city amenities doesn't hurt, either. TC is the perfect example of how to develop yourself when you're a post-industrial economy that doesn't sit on a major transportation corridor.
I agree. I think the only thing holding it back is the fact that get nearly 10ft of snow every winter!