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  1. #1

    Default Tsunami in Massachusetts

    GOP's Brown wins Mass. Senate seat in epic upset

    By GLEN JOHNSON and LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writers Glen Johnson And Liz Sidoti, Associated Press Writers – 9 mins ago
    BOSTON – In an epic upset in liberal Massachusetts, Republican Scott Brown rode a wave of voter anger to defeat Democrat Martha Coakley in a U.S. Senate election Tuesday that left President Barack Obama's health care overhaul in doubt and marred the end of his first year in office.
    The loss by the once-favored Coakley for the seat that the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy held for nearly half a century signaled big political problems for the president's party this fall when House, Senate and gubernatorial candidates are on the ballot nationwide.
    More immediately, Brown will become the 41st Republican in the 100-member Senate, which could allow the GOP to block the president's health care legislation and the rest of Obama's agenda. Democrats needed Coakley to win for a 60th vote to thwart Republican filibusters.

  2. #2


    dang, let the circular firing squad begin.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Brown wins Mass. Senate race in epic upset


    Brown wins Mass. Senate race in epic upset

    GOP victory leaves President Barack Obama's health care overhaul in doubt
    So much for Americans wanting that "Change"

  4. #4


    Message to Obama, "It's the economy, stupid!"

  5. #5


    Question for those political experts on this forum... just when will he be seated?

    Politics is not pretty... and you never know... the vote may come before he's sworn in and seated!

  6. #6


    Crush that damn no-care healthcare bill!

  7. #7


    It appears there is a push among some seanators to seat him first. It is hard to see it working otherwise. Politically too painful. I say before Feb 1.

  8. #8


    Going to get bumpy...

    I think hacking on the truck thing by guys who ride around in cars that have drivers blew up in thier faces.

  9. #9


    The 17th Amendment, Federal Court rulings and Senate procedures make it clear that any Senator appointed to fill a vacancy [[Paul Kirk in the case of the Massachusetts seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy) ends his appointment immediately after the polls close for the election to fill the seat. Therefore, the Democrats lose their 60th vote tomorrow.

    The newly elected Senator begins drawing a Senate paycheck the day after the election, regardless of when they are sworn in. The 17th Amendment does not stipulate that the election results need to be be certified before the swearing-in, only that the person elected meets the qualifications set forth for a US Senator. When the new Senator takes the oath of office is dependent on the magnitude of the margin of the unofficial results and the decision of the Senate leadership.

  10. #10


    Scott Brown on the issues. He is called a 'hard core conservative' but in some things he has a moderate voting record.


  11. #11


    People are scrambling for change, we've entered into a damned if you do, damned if you don't chapter in our nations' politics. I wonder when it will sink in? As long as media is selecting our candidates, and the lobbyists control those, there isn't going to be any change.

    Anyone that is willing or can effect some sort of change in a positive direction for the good of the nation, is going to be mocked and drug through every mudhole they can find.

    People better wake up, and come out from under the ether.

  12. #12


    the voting for status quo has begun...while it's the economy...I seriously doubt Republicans and their corporate sponsors as well as the democrats and their inability to miss an opportunity have the answers...who is losing is the average American..who want affordable health care, a control of their everyday lives, and an opportunity for a future where service related jobs are not the only alternative...I have yet to see a republican understand this and yet to seen democrats accept the challenge. The president had the balls to throw the health care issue on the table and what he got was a crappy compromised and watered down version of one...because his own party threw him under the bus...why because they are gutless and bought off...now they are going to lose important issues like middle east peace [[because of their bowing to AIPAC), job development because of corporate protectionism, and social service and equality because of special interest pressure [[HCR and budget battles that will gut much needed reforms), educational incentives and environmental protection...we have now entered an era where we wanted change but were not willing to work together to face the issues to get it...we just are now all about politics...not what the Americans really need...

    Change was needed but you have witnessed the power of the media and fear mongers...the party of no...won one battle...maybe the midterm will find the Ron Pauls, Dennis K's and Ralph Naders who are independents with a conscious...and I hope the next election throws Lieberman out of office for good...what a weasel.

    what a shame that a liberal lion whose abilitry to compromise and take on social issues is swept away and replaced with just another clog in the machine..

  13. #13


    this is not anything about Obama, it is about the dems putting up a candidate that no one likes. a politician so inept she actually said something to the effect of "go out and shake hands in the rain? why would I want to do that?"

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    Change was needed but you have witnessed the power of the media and fear mongers...the party of no...won one battle...maybe the midterm will find the Ron Pauls, Dennis K's and Ralph Naders who are independents with a conscious...and I hope the next election throws Lieberman out of office for good...what a weasel.
    It seems Obama doesn't care what's in the "healthcare" bill, as long as one passes, that's all he cares about, his legacy and greatness in his own mind. He'll never bring proper "change" that this country truly needs. It appears to me that he only cares about himself and how many magazine covers he and his wife get on. But I agree with you on those names you dropped there. Those guys, especially Ron Paul, truly understand some of the problems with the way this country is run, and would bring REAL change, or at least attempt to. But unfortunately, too many people want a charismatic leader who could sell them a '72 Pinto with a leaky gas tank, which they would be more than happy to purchase as long as it came from him. But who knows, maybe this failure of a congress and president is the wake up call that will run the fraudsters out of Washington and bring some sensible balance to our gov't.

    As far as "witnessing the power of media", the MSM pretty much told you who to vote for in the last election. Look how they BURY 3rd party candidates like Nader, or even guys like Ron Paul who knows you don't have a chance unless you're a D or an R, but got snubbed from some debates anyway. Hillary didn't have a chance from the start [[lousy candidate anyway).

    I don't know much about this Brown guy, he might just be more of the same, but at least there's a chance that the abomination of a "healthcare" bill will never see the light of day. I say no universal healthcare in this country unless it's TRULY universal. Which means every tax-feeding politician, who cares so much about us, has to sign on to the exact same plan that they pass for us.

  15. #15


    Rb, you say "this is nothing about Obama."

    I say, "no one is so blind as they who will not see."

    Even the most die hard liberals are smart enough to realize that this was primarily a referendum on Obama and Democrat policies such as cap and trade and healthcare. It remains to be seen whether Pelosi, Reid and the president will be smart enough to see this remarkable upset for exactly what it is. Let's see, there's Virginia, NJ, and now MA. A word to the wise should be sufficient.

    I believe that the vast majority of the 545 members of congress whose primary purpose in life is to get reelected will not continue to support these unpopular [[and destructive) policies and forfeit their seats in November. Self preservation in Washington takes precedence over any particular policy.

    I do believe that Pelosi, Read and Obama are in the minority at this point and don't care about getting reelected [[they see the handwriting on the wall anyway) and will continue to be willing to throw themselves under the bus.

    Regardless of one's political persuasion, last night's election results may be the turning point towards centrism, the second best thing next to total political gridlock in Congress.

  16. #16


    good post 3wc

  17. #17


    Now the Democratic super majority won't continue with the liberal agenda they've been forcing through since taking congress, like ending the wars in the middle east, rescinding the Patriot Act, closing Guantanamo, charging those involved with torture, providing a public health care option... Oh wait... What exactly does this change?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009



    Theories abound, but two diametrically opposed narratives have taken hold:
    The first, promulgated by conservatives, is that the new administration has moved too far to the left and alienated a large swath of independent and moderate voters.

    The second, pushed by progressive activists and bloggers, is that the administration hasn't been true enough to fundamental Democratic principles, has embraced some of Bush's worst excesses on civil liberties, and has ditched popular ideas [[like the public option) in favor of watered down centrist policies, thus looking weak and ineffectual

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    the voting for status quo has begun...while it's the economy...I seriously doubt Republicans and their corporate sponsors as well as the democrats and their inability to miss an opportunity have the answers...who is losing is the average American..who want affordable health care, a control of their everyday lives, and an opportunity for a future where service related jobs are not the only alternative...I have yet to see a republican understand this and yet to seen democrats accept the challenge. The president had the balls to throw the health care issue on the table and what he got was a crappy compromised and watered down version of one...because his own party threw him under the bus...why because they are gutless and bought off...now they are going to lose important issues like middle east peace [[because of their bowing to AIPAC), job development because of corporate protectionism, and social service and equality because of special interest pressure [[HCR and budget battles that will gut much needed reforms), educational incentives and environmental protection...we have now entered an era where we wanted change but were not willing to work together to face the issues to get it...we just are now all about politics...not what the Americans really need...

    Change was needed but you have witnessed the power of the media and fear mongers...the party of no...won one battle...maybe the midterm will find the Ron Pauls, Dennis K's and Ralph Naders who are independents with a conscious...and I hope the next election throws Lieberman out of office for good...what a weasel.

    what a shame that a liberal lion whose abilitry to compromise and take on social issues is swept away and replaced with just another clog in the machine..

    Dude..you actually called Kennedy "the Liberal Lion?" That's the funniest thing I've read so far today..

    And you think the RIGHT is being brainwashed by the gawd-damned media?

  20. #20


    NOOO!!! Our Health Care reform will be DOOMED DOOMED!!

  21. #21


    ZRXDoug, where have you been? I was wondering if you had taken a header on your motorized rocket. oh, yeah, I laughed at that Liberal Lion horseshit too. Ted was not my favorite frat boy, silverspooned drunken murderer either.

    Pam's post taken from the HuffingtonPost is interesting. Both sides will be spinning the election results to fit their respective naratives, but the truth is that Mr. Obama lost big-time. He put his face right in the middle of things and was rejected by the voters, it must feel strange inside the West Wing this morning.

  22. #22


    Informative chart... far too often the moderate, and especially libertarian voters/ thinkers are lumped into the conservative camp, especially on certains issues of government funding and spending.
    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Scott Brown on the issues. He is called a 'hard core conservative' but in some things he has a moderate voting record.


  23. #23



    It's like a coke machine, no matter what button you push, ya get Pepsi.

  24. #24


    Danny, you want healthcare reform? So do I [[despite the current system poses no financial burden on me of any kind.) So does most everyone want reform.

    My niece is a pediatrician. She makes $2.00 for each Medicaid patient she treats. She treats a lot of them in this economy. She doesn't need the money as do most doctors, or she would not be able to continue with her current practice. I know many doctors and every one of this is against the current proposed plans, not so much because they will hit them in the pocketbook [[although that's clearly a factor), but because it will negatively impact their ability to practice good medicine. I know two top notch doctors, one of whom is my personal physician, who plan to retire from medicine if either of the current proposed plans is signed into law.

    Obama promised that the process would be very transparent and special interests would be ignored. Either he was a stone cold liar or was so naive he actually thought that he and Congress could immunize themselves from the mothers milk of politics, special interest money.

    There is no question that in my mind that health care can and should be be reformed. The trouble is that few if any of our elected officials have the smarts, will or intestinal fortitude to accomplish it. I think committees are generally worthless, but in this case I think a bipartisan committee of business people and health care experts [[those who know the current systems and the economics that govern them) should be convened with all the powers granted to Congressional committees.

    No insurance people permitted. No government bureaucrats permitted.

    The committee should strive to come up with a pre-packaged plan which would streamline the present system, result in the reduction in drug costs to those costs which exist in other places in the world. Compel open market sales of health insurance in any state and reduce the state control over insurance companies other than to make sure they are financially stable enough [[based on GAAP) to deliver for their customers.

    Obviously, the interests of the drug manufacturers must be protected to the point where they will continue to develop new drugs. There must be many ways to do that. One would be to extend patents on proprietary drugs to 40 years, thereby providing a much longer period during which to amortize their drug research investments. I wouldn't mind if drug companies were granted tax benefits to cover their research activities.

    There have to be 100s of ways to improve the system and still keep all the players solvent.

    The goal would be to keep Congress and the Administration out of it, and to produce a plan which would withstand the scrutiny of the GAO, and force Congress to vote it up or down - no amendments - and let them face the voters to account for their votes.

    I'm no expert of course, but we are all fools to trust such planning to our elected officials, who receive lifetime health insurance - untaxed Cadillac plans - and therefor have no dogs in the fight.

    There are a lot of intelligent people on this forum, and it would be interesting if each of you made one practical suggestion as to the nature and extent of healthcare reform. The operative word there is "practical."
    Last edited by 3WC; January-20-10 at 10:37 AM. Reason: typo

  25. #25


    Oh gee "dudes" guess you have your high five for this moment...

    The funny thing is that your party actually doesn't give a rats ass for the middle class..they just package their message simply enough to make it seem like they do...

    Kennedy [[yes we will never know what happened in the 1960)...but his fighting for liberal ideas has helped many people-especially those with disabilities and the elderly. maybe thats how he atoned but guess you guys are the judges and juries on all...how self rightous.

    And as far as health care maybe we can get really serious now and pass regulations that protect all Americans and not the interest of Big Business [[opps ..guess you all would still be opposed to that too?) Guess those 2900 people who die each year didn't deserve affordable health care since most have it...

    The dem's lost this one because of the disenchantment with the economy [[I don't agree with the spill either)...but dudes unless we change and bring each party together for a common cause [[doubt that now that your party has a little testerone going) all of us pay the price...

    As far as the media well I'll let you guys debate that all you want...but it's been know to influence people...just look at all those Beck, Palin and Rush followers and tell me that teabaggers are anything but self centered and non patriotic with no clue on what their fellow country men and women are experiencing; with jobs being sent to china, monies borrowed to pay from China and a war that was going to end terror [[when we were attacked in Afghanistan). A true patriot [[like our soldiers) goes to war for all Americans not just the ones that look like themselves.

    Yes it is very somber in the White House as well it should...but it is not the end of the of reform or change..it's just got to move towards a center...so dudes enjoy your moment in the smog. we will see if the congress has the balls or the vision to take care of Americans needs like you dudes or the corporate giants and foreign lobbies who they have bowed to for a while. .

    3wc your ideas are more in line of what they should have been doing ...his party threw him under the bus with reform...but look at lieberman [[he loved the spoiler role) and the problem is the repub..were so hell bent on revenge that they did not put forth reform the way it should have been addressed...this should have been a NASA moment..where the a cross section of Americans with out agendas set forth by insurance companies came to gether for a five year goal..thats where Obama screwed up...
    Last edited by gibran; January-20-10 at 10:40 AM.

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