Quote Originally Posted by RickBeall View Post
Hey, she was thrown in jail numerous times. I guess you could always arrest someone more.

I remember the rumor being that she slept at 1300 Beaubien; I don't know whether that qualifies as being thrown in jail.

And I ask the question again: What would the cops have done if it was any other homeless person harassing customers? Yep -- if they threw him/her in jail before and the behavior continued, they would indeed "arrest someone more." And they'd keep on doing it...over and over. They certainly wouldn't just shrug and say, "Well, that's [[fill in the name here)."

For some reason, though, the cops turned a blind eye to what Stella did. I'm not hating on the poor woman; I'm just wondering why the cops acted in a manner that was counter to what they normally would have done.

Were the rumors true that she was the mother of a police officer? I don't know. I've also heard a variation on that rumor: That her cop son had been killed in the line of duty, which is why the police treated her differently than other homeless people.

But them's just rumors...I don't know how true they are.