Quote Originally Posted by eno View Post
With a heavy international media presence in town for the Auto Show and the legal proceedings regarding the terrorist bomber, you have to wonder how Detroit will be perceived when incidents like this are merely overlooked and dismissed as possibly happening anywhere. It indicates a level of conditioning to accept a group of teens waving handguns seeking out victims to threaten and rob.
This assertion is rediclious. Incidents like this DO happen anywhere. We may be conditioned to be ready for incidients like this, and to not make them the end of the word, but that certianly does NOT mean "accept" them. You have to understand where these teens are coming from. Second-generation chronic unemployment, crack cocaine, shattered families, broken education system, no hope for the future, not jobs besides criminal activity. They inherited this, they did not earn this. Although robbing people is unnacceptable in any curcumstances, it doesn't take much humanity to realize why these teens are doing this, and realize that we should be angry at the troubled system, not the troubled teens.

As far as nationl/international media coverage, perhaps the media will sensationalize this story because it boosts their ratings. But even the victims said this was their first bad experience in Detroit, after coming 10 years. Not bad, eh? I highly doubt this will be any story at all. But because you brought up the xmas terror plot, I must say one last thing:

Is there not a parrallel between troubled teens robbing and people of the global using terror as a desperate measure? Yet again, it is the terrorist system that is the problem not the terrorizer. America and Europe have been literally fucking up the middle-east for more than a century. 9/11 would have NEVER happened if it was not for U.S. and Western imperialism/colonialism. We have to see that there is humanity in the Nigerian who attempted the attack. With so much islamophobia, so much hatred, so much revenge-seeking, it is hard to see that humanity, and thefore our own humanity. And therefore our solution to terror is terror itself.