First off let me apologies for my poor spelling. I meant "insensitive" of course.

Second, I don't think most of Detroit's problems are a question of skin color, but when it comes to the state of the schools, polices department and city hall and other public institution I wonder if black Detroit was not better served before there was a black majority, that a city with such a overwheling majority of one ethnicity is not good for any group. I wonder about the accountability of the city leaders of the last generation, which in my opinion seem more interested in taking over than in managing and rebuilding, that they have continued to fight over scraps from a cold, half eaten pie instead of backing a new one.

I think the issues surrounding Cobo Hall or Bobb's fight with the entrenched powers in the schools sytem demonstrate this quite well. I think many felt that Kilpatrick administration was a chance for a new era but it turned out to be more of the same, maybe worst. And this issue doesn't just concern Detroit as from what I read many voters in Atlanta voted for the white, female candidate because the felt there were not well served by the black power structure there either.