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  1. #26


    And just how many terrorist attacks have been prevented by the Detroit Muslim Community?

    When Muslims start in taking a more active role in helping to prevent terrorist attacks here in America, then he'll have room to talk.

  2. #27


    "And just how many terrorist attacks have been prevented by the Detroit Muslim Community?"

    Excellent question...To which I would add this: how many terrorist attacks have been prevented by people on internet forums?

    and this:
    We also have a plague in this country of alienated, angry middle aged gunfreaks entering their former workplaces, or random public places with easily obtained firearms and randomly killing people. It happens monthly.

    How many terrorist attacks by alienated, angry, middle aged gunfreaks have been prevented by the alienated, angry middle aged gunfreak community? When will angry middle aged gunfreaks start taking a more active role in preventing beserk gunmen of the month?
    Finally, if members of the Detroit Muslim community are somehow expected to influence the behavior of Nigerian Muslims, shouldn't gunfreaks in the US do more to discourage the rampant irresponsibility shown by gunfreaks in Columbia?
    Last edited by barnesfoto; December-26-09 at 03:34 AM.

  3. #28



    A Dutchman to the resque.

    32-year old Dutchman Jasper Schuringa who overpowered the would-be terrorist.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2009



    Funny, I thought we were told during the election that we [[Americans) were only disliked because it was George Bush's fault! Now Obama is in office, and their agenda hasn't changed. Maybe they actually want to kill Americans regardless of which corrupt political party is running the White House after all!

  5. #30


    We also have a plague in this country of alienated, angry middle aged gunfreaks entering their former workplaces, or random public places with easily obtained firearms and randomly killing people. It happens monthly.... When will angry middle aged gunfreaks start taking a more active role in preventing beserk gunmen of the month?
    It's the "alienated, angry, beserk gunmen" like Fort Hood killer Major Nidal Malik Hasan who shout "Allahu Akbar" before opening fire that are representative of the kind of terrorism that is the subject of this thread. I would hope that if someone in the Washington DC and/or Killeen, TX Muslim Community had known about Maj. Hasan's intentions, they would have alerted the appropriate authorities, regardless of their position on the politics of gun ownership.

    When you find a more appropriate thread to trot out your "plague" argument, keep in mind that most of those "beserk gunmen of the month" carry out their attacks in places where the legal carry of guns have been prohibited.

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post

    Funny, I thought we were told during the election that we [[Americans) were only disliked because it was George Bush's fault! Now Obama is in office, and their agenda hasn't changed. Maybe they actually want to kill Americans regardless of which corrupt political party is running the White House after all!
    Just to play Devil's advocate, the argument that Bush administration polices have caused the world to become seriously pissed off at the United States does not necessarily imply that all that rage will end simply because Bush's term expired.

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by MCP-001 View Post
    And just how many terrorist attacks have been prevented by the Detroit Muslim Community?

    When Muslims start in taking a more active role in helping to prevent terrorist attacks here in America, then he'll have room to talk.
    So, your point is that he should be criticized for making a statement? I disagree.

    His quote: "..."to stop these maniacs -- who in the name of religion -- pursue these political goals." should be welcomed, and applied to all who wish to impose their narrow beliefs on others through cowardly acts of violence

  8. #33


    I'll tell you what barnes, the first whack-job that I come across who wants to crash a plane into building, or kill a large group with no provocation, you can rest assured that I'll drop a dime on them.

    Can you say the same when you come across someone who entered America illegally?

    Tick tock...

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
    So, your point is that he should be criticized for making a statement? I disagree.

    His quote: "..."to stop these maniacs -- who in the name of religion -- pursue these political goals." should be welcomed, and applied to all who wish to impose their narrow beliefs on others through cowardly acts of violence
    It's a nice speech, but I'll tell you what Bob, the first terrorist attack that gets stopped because the Muslim Community tips off the feds, then I'll stand corrected.

  10. #35


    This may become known as the Motor City beat down.
    It's great that passengers took swift action on this guy.
    I do feel sorry for my son who has to fly back to Cal. later this week though.
    Extra security will be the norm in reaction to this. Get to the airport extra early.

  11. #36


    Jasper "The Flying Dutchman" Schuringa

  12. #37


    The identity of the swift-acting passenger[[s) haven't been revealed, I don't believe. I hope they're from around here. We could use a little good press.

  13. #38


    I was going to ask how this guy suddenly was being referred to as the N-bomb, but realized how inappropriately appropriate that might be. Or would that be appropriately inappropriate? Whatever... I need coffee. Glad the Flying Dutchman stopped the son-of-a-bitch.

  14. #39


    "I'll tell you what barnes, the first whack-job that I come across who wants to crash a plane into building, or kill a large group with no provocation, you can rest assured that I'll drop a dime on them.

    Can you say the same when you come across someone who entered America illegally?"

    Good question. If I come across someone who entered America illegally and is discussing how they want to use their second amendment rights by randomly shooting up public places, I'll make a call.
    [[As for your fears about my friends whose citizenship is not approved by a large government agency, they are unfounded, and as the descendent of people who entered this country illegally, no, I certainly won't be turning them in. It must be very frustrating to you that people who entered this country illegally are fighting in our armed forces, and therefore, receiving government paid health care-but oops, that's another thread).

    "It's the "alienated, angry, beserk gunmen" like Fort Hood killer Major Nidal Malik Hasan who shout "Allahu Akbar" before opening fire that are representative of the kind of terrorism that is the subject of this thread."

    Of course, silly me, the almost weekly attacks by alienated, angry middle aged guys into public places are not terrorism, those are just "isolated incidents" that nobody should worry about!

    Well, if you can't get over the "muslim" angle to the story,-and there also seems to be an emphasis on collective responsibility here, I have another question.

    When are former members of the Reagan administration [[and Charlie Wilson) going to apologize to the American People for the spending of hundreds of millions dollars to support and train Muslim Terrorists in Afghanistan?
    I'm talking about folks like Gulbuddin Hakmatyar, who oddly enough, the folks who like to chatter endlessly about muslim terror NEVER seem to want to discuss....

    Is it possible that training uneducated religious wackos that they could defeat a superpower [[with the help of US Taxpayers, of course) was a bad idea?
    Last edited by barnesfoto; December-26-09 at 12:36 PM.

  15. #40
    Ravine Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    Didn't you say you were tired of politically correct talk? What I said wasn't politically correct at all. In fact, after some clicks the 'Report Abuse' button and Lowell sees it, he's going to delete it. Nonetheless, I posted it anyway without regard as to whether it would offend you or anyone else. Isn't that what you are after? People speaking their minds and not biting their tongues because someone might get offended by what is said? Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!
    Crumbled, I wasn't attacking you or Whitehouse. It's just that you two seemed to be veering into a direction toward which I was not heading and that I wanted no part of. You know what I'm talking about. My distaste for Political Correctness is a long way from being willing to fling open the door to all kinds of racial slurs.

    As for English's remark:
    "Well, you put yourself out there. Merry Christmas"

    Whatever that might mean, No, I didn't. I wrote out my thoughts in the way I meant to write them. I believe that what I wrote was clear. I neither meant, nor sought to imply, anything more [[or less) than what I wrote.

    DetroitYES!: Where the ignition switch is always in the "on" position!!

  16. #41
    Retroit Guest


    I wonder how long it will be before we hear of Nigerians suing airlines for being kicked off an airliner for exhibiting strange behavior.

    ...and how long the liberals will be complaining that Nigerians are being unfairly discriminated against.

  17. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Ravine View Post
    As for English's remark:
    "Well, you put yourself out there. Merry Christmas"

    Whatever that might mean, No, I didn't. I wrote out my thoughts in the way I meant to write them. I believe that what I wrote was clear. I neither meant, nor sought to imply, anything more [[or less) than what I wrote.
    Let me spell this out again, more clearly. When you choose to post, you have absolutely no control over how your words are received. I've received responses here on DYes that totally missed the meaning of my words, and ascribed all sorts of things that I didn't mean, but by choosing to participate and engage, others are free to respond as they will.

    We all come from different perspectives. Therefore, it's sometimes difficult to perceive how our choices affect others' perceptions of our intentions. Growing angry because someone misinterpreted you is assuming a stance of victimhood, that others' perceptions of what you write is somehow unfair. When I don't feel like being misinterpreted, especially in a forum like this one where I disagree strongly with many points of view, I choose not to reply to a thread. That's why I've been on the forum for 7 years and only have a few hundred posts, instead of a thousand or more. I lurk quite a bit more than I post, and figure that some things aren't worth me exposing my flank by putting myself out there.

    And the "Merry Christmas" was actually sincere... but judging from your response, you took it as sarcasm or ill will. Once again, I can't control how you responded to my post, which is as it should be. You would do well to extend others the same courtesy.
    Last edited by English; December-26-09 at 01:52 PM. Reason: Added a missing word!

  18. #43


    The culprit...

    Really looks like an African American to me.

  19. #44


    Sure does!

    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    I agree 100%. The lady on the plane should have just said it was a n*gger. I mean, isn't "black" a term of political correctness in and of itself. People need to be free to say what they mean and not make it all nicey nicey. The cracker should have just said it was a n*gger and we could just get rid of all this stupid PC talk.
    Didn't Kwame and the NAACP bury that word? *rolls eyes*

  20. #45
    Rideron Guest


    Looks like he goofed on his mix of agent, reagents and catalyst trigger while in the restroom....

  21. #46


    So, already everybody has to take off their shoes before boarding the plane. Now after this guy we'll all have to take off our pants. Might as well just get it over with and do a full body cavity search to be able to fly.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by MCP-001 View Post
    It's a nice speech, but I'll tell you what Bob, the first terrorist attack that gets stopped because the Muslim Community tips off the feds, then I'll stand corrected.
    His FATHER tried:
    By PAMELA HESS and MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writers Pamela Hess And Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 12 mins ago
    WASHINGTON – U.S. government officials tell The Associated Press that the Nigerian man charged with trying to destroy a jetliner came to the attention of U.S. intelligence in November when his father went to the U.S. embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, to express his concerns about his son.
    A congressional official said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian, popped up in U.S. intelligence reports about four weeks ago as having a connection to both al-Qaida and Yemen.
    Another government official said Abdulmutallab's father went to the embassy in Abuja with his concerns, but did not have any specific information that would put him on the "no-fly list" or on the list for additional security checks at the airport.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by barnesfoto View Post
    Good question. If I come across someone who entered America illegally and is discussing how they want to use their second amendment rights by randomly shooting up public places, I'll make a call.
    [[As for your fears about my friends whose citizenship is not approved by a large government agency, they are unfounded, and as the descendent of people who entered this country illegally, no, I certainly won't be turning them in. It must be very frustrating to you that people who entered this country illegally are fighting in our armed forces, and therefore, receiving government paid health care-but oops, that's another thread).
    If they entered America illegally, then they do not have Second Amendment Rights, or ANY rights for that matter.

    But not to worry, even though you don't give a damn about kicking out the illegals, I still won't have any problem dropping a dime on any terrorist wannabes I come across.

  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
    His FATHER tried:
    By PAMELA HESS and MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writers Pamela Hess And Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 12 mins ago
    WASHINGTON – U.S. government officials tell The Associated Press that the Nigerian man charged with trying to destroy a jetliner came to the attention of U.S. intelligence in November when his father went to the U.S. embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, to express his concerns about his son.
    A congressional official said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian, popped up in U.S. intelligence reports about four weeks ago as having a connection to both al-Qaida and Yemen.
    Another government official said Abdulmutallab's father went to the embassy in Abuja with his concerns, but did not have any specific information that would put him on the "no-fly list" or on the list for additional security checks at the airport.
    Sorry Bob, but I missed the part that said that he was a Muslim.

  25. #50


    As to his father being Muslim, he is the chair of Nigeria's First Islamic bank and has two wives.........


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