The Canadian Bozo who made this YouTube video is just another example of some indoctrinated dummy with a camcorder trying to "get somewhere" in his career by becoming the next Geraldo Rivera.

Sensationalist nonsense. Sure, we know what Detroit looks like, but instead of turning it into a referendum on Democratic mayors over 50 years time, how about a list of solutions?

Fingerpointing is the only thing the fascist Reich is good at. Our Rethuglican congress for 6 years under the Bush Crime Family pointed at governement and kept shouting, look!!! It's broken, it doesn't work!!!

All the while they were defunding the FDA, Dept. of Education, Transportaion, the EPA, so we get poisoned food and tainted toys from China, pollution run amok, and all the while they're grabbing up taxpayer money through no-bid contracts with the Pentagon through their money laundering operations like Halliburton, Bechtel, KBR, etc.

Chalk this retarded video to nothing more than "ruin porn."