There was that side to it stinkbug. Also, if you want to know what it would probably look like today, well drive up Oakland N of East Grand Boulevard. Back in the day, that was considered the continuation of Hastings. Every year a few more commercial buildings fall down or catch fire. Today it is mostly fields. Or, maybe at best for Detroit, look at Chene street which runs parallel to Hastings. Chene is turning into fields pretty quickly now though.

The real Paradise Valley, or say the first Paradise Valley before they expanded the concept, was the area where Ford Field is now. That area survived for the longest time. It was right above Greektown. You would have thought if Detroit was to have a Beale street it would happen at least there. You could walk up from Greek town to Paradise Valley. But no. Once blacks were allowed to move out of the ghetto, they scattered like seed in the wind, leaving the old ghetto to crumble.

So, unfortunately, if Hastings Street had survived, it wouldn't have anyway.

But, on a more positive note, we have what we have, and it is up to us to make something of it.