This deserves its own thread...I mentioned it somewhere else, but thought it should be screamed from a mountaintop somewhere!

Buy up a bunch of tickets of the Detroit Lions so people can at least watch the games on television on Sunday again. At least keep 'em distracted for three hours, the team's looking not that bad this year.

from : [[so you don't think I made this up!)

It seems the staunch bulwark of corporate capitalism in a 'free' marketplace has turned socialist, if even for a convenient moment.

Shows that even the most falsely rigid of flaccidity can have heart enough somewhere deep to at least WANT to deliver to the populace that which they cannot have for themselves. There may be hope for him yet.

I'm proud that Rush has learned and grown some, I look forward to him furthering his awareness of those who cannot afford a good Cuban cigar or a night out at Ruth's Chris for oddly-textured steaks.

OR, was this merely a way for him to garner favor from William Senior on his upcoming NFL ownership vote?!