Thank you for the reply szla. I congratulate you, Galexc, and all those who are making this thing happen. The concert idea is very cool. I close my eyes and imagine a warm summers evening. Music playing. Children running around laughing and playing and that beautiful fountain flowing.
I currently live a few thousand miles away from you so stopping in to help would be difficult, but I am hoping to come home in the spring to visit. I would be delighted to give you a days work at that time. Some of my friends there have mechanical knowledge and skills with no where to apply them. Again, I can't promise anything but they, like myself, usually can be talked into doing just about anything for a couple of cases of beer.
I am trying to post a map or a Google Earth thing for people in the area who may be following this thread but are unsure of the location. Now, to label me as a computer idiot would be giving me way too much credit as to my computer skills. I'll keep working on it.
I have the utmost admiration and respect for the people involved with this project.

My warmest regards,