By the time I had become a teen, My favorite thing to do was to go to Northland and play the newest home video game systems in the basement at Hudsons.Northland was better then Westland because me and my cousins didn't get ran off there for spending too much time on the games.
After I got my own system in "83". The days of me playing in the backyard of my Grandparents house were done. Which was fine by me. There were not many kids my age on that block, None of which I could call my friends. So other then mow the lawn, Watch my Grandpa work on the car, or take the bus to Livonia Mall with my Grandma. There wasn't alot to do.
That era pretty much was insync with the way it was at my Moms in Garden City or my Aunt and Uncles in Pinckney.We got into the video games.Looking back that time was an uncharted territory. About 15 years ago while riding down an alley in Warrendale, I happened to think about the alleys of my youth.How much fun they were and how sad I was , yet the joy of the older members of my familywhich ment ,"one more thing I can block off"
That alley betwen Pierson to the west, Braile to the east, ment more to me then my video game system.