Five years on, and there's been no news at all about this possibility. It was a huge story at the time..

There was a follow up a couple of weeks later, but it was just that Duggan thought a site on the east riverfront would make more sense over the Ford Auditorium site.

I'm really curious to know what happened here. The original article mentions that this plan was in the works for two decades, and the moment was right to finally move forward. They seemed to have a fairly concrete outline for the total cost, size, and annual visitor count, so it's not like the plan was hatched the day before. The only unknown was a possible location. Gilbert, Duggan, and anyone else with influence was vocally supportive of the idea.

Even if we factor in the pandemic causing chaos and delays, there was still a two year gap beforehand with no updates at all [[as far as I'm aware).

Does anyone know if the project is dead? Do we think it's just super delayed or on hold? Any hope this ever goes through?