The elections of Abdullah Hammoud in Dearborn, Amer Ghalib in Hamtramck, and Bill Bazzi in Dearborn Heights are remarkable historic moments. All are Arab-American and Muslim, a first in both categories in those communities.

All won also by large majorities in communities with sizable, but not yet majority, Arab-American populations, meaning that they achieved support from across their entire communities.

I find that uplifting, an upbeat chapter in the American story, a political and social maturation that is to be lauded. This is particularly true for Dearborn whose notorious former mayor Orville Hubbard had once made the city a shameful poster-child for exclusion with his code-speak "Keep Dearborn Clean" signs. Amid all the recent anti-immigrant rancor and rise of white supremacy groups, these elections shed a bright light and again bring meaning to E Pluribus Unam -- "Out of many, one". Bravo to both communities.
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