Lol, I just love reading all of the anti-transit lane comments on here from people who either live in the suburbs or have never lived in a big city outside of Detroit. Y'all act like Detroit is struggling with some massively complex, never-before-heard of problem...not enough parking directly in front of storefronts.

There are dozens of thriving cities with commercial centers that are orders of magnitude more difficult to reach by car. In downtown Washington DC where I used to live, you're usually looking for 30 minutes to find parking if you want to be right in front of the store. Or you're paying $25 per hour to park in a nearby garage. Geez, how ever do people do it? They Uber, walk, bike, etc..

The point is that we need to make it less convenient for people to plop their cars in downtown. Every other big city besides Detroit figured this out decades ago. People will adapt and development will follow. As long as the major attractions like the sports team commit to staying in place it will work out. Eventually things would get so bad that even the suburbanites will be demanding transit options to get downtown...what, are you going to drive the Cleveland for sporting events?