The future of the auto industry in America will be largely determined by a parade of new electric trucks - at least four from Detroit incumbents facing off against at least six from Tesla and other upstarts. The newcomers will be building pickups for the first time, but they also will be building truck factories for the first time, which is arguably a more difficult task. Not only have Ford Motor, General Motors, and Stellantis refined the blocking and tackling of building and tooling a factory, they have scads of them sitting empty or ticking away at reduced capacity.

"A distinct advantage of the incumbent automakers is their installed capacity and their ability to pivot that to building something new," said Gartner analyst Michael Ramsay. "It's not only an advantage, it might be the advantage."
However, Ramsay at Gartner said the eventual map of EV manufacturing may largely be shaped by where the batteries are made. "They are going to go where they get cheap electricity," he said. "And nobody is going to want to ship 3,000-pound batteries around the country."