Quote Originally Posted by Seven&wyo View Post
I have been going to Denver every year for a very long time and the construction has been ramping up for years now. Californians have been flooding the market like mad the last 5-10 years driving prices sky high. It's insane the amount of growth that's taken place in Denver over the years. They did it right though they were slow but methodical in how they grew that city over the years and it's paying off. Definitely something for Detroit to look up to.

PS Tje people who have been living there a while haaaaate Californians which is always funny to hear.
That's a good point about Denver. I wouldn't wanna live there though. They had a 70 degree temperature swing in 24 hours. Yikes! Like 101 to freezing with snow. Good Lord.

Also it's funny, where I live in Austin the same thing is happening to Denver. Those damn Californians!! They're invading. They bring their bad driving habits too! 😡