Quote Originally Posted by exmotowner View Post
Bvos, I went through the same thing only murders, rapes break ins, car vandelism and the whole 9 yards, but when I said anything I got jumped on like white on rice. Im very surprised you are not getting lambasted on this subject. I quit posting because of it. All that being said, I ran a 50 unit apartment building in Palmer park where all this happened.
The same thing happened to me.

As much as I miss the "old" Detroit that I lived in and would love to go back to those times, I am glad I live in the burbs. Yes, there is some crime, mostly petty stuff. I can sit on my porch without fearing a stray bullet, I can walk or ride my bike at night with no fears, my grandchildren can play at the park [[so far) and not get robbed of their cell phone or jacket or shoes.

This will probably change because the Detroit thug element is beginning to spread North and we will begin to experience the same types of crimes we had in Detroit. Hopefully, our police will be ready and put a stop to it. Our neighborhoods all keep a close eye on each other, watch our houses, we care about each other. If the police can't respond in a timely manner, the neighbors will.