Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
Good point. Actually there should be a 10% adjustment and more of a spread because Florida has 10% more people than Texas. New York used to have the highest population but has slipped to #4 because people keep leaving. The equivalent on a per capita basis would be comparing the 156 of one day Florida deaths that aj mentioned [[post 1282) with 889 [[806x10%) adjusted one day of deaths New York experienced and aj seems ok with. Cuomo could have beat his own record if he had all the nursing home in Florida to infect. New York's 889 is 570% Florida's record 156 daily deaths. Oh, and New York's 1,672 CV deaths per 1M population exceeds Florida's 218 CV deaths per 1M population by 770%.
I'm sure the numbers will remain static for all those states and won't change one iota in the coming months. Right, Oladub? But don't worry, I'll remember posts like this one and I'll be sure to give you regular periodic updates on the numbers in the months ahead. Which, I'm sure, will remain unchanged. It's not like Florida and Texas are setting new records each day or anything like that and getting exponentially worse each week.