Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
There are many professions out there that cause death or irreparable damage to another human being. Some out there want to do harm. Mistakes by doctors, teachers, or priests, are just a few.
If a person dies because of gross negligence of a doctor, teacher, etc.: 1 - that doctor, teacher, priest could face criminal charges, and 2 - they could also be liable for civil law suits.

Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
One thing I have to say. 79 black Americans were shot in Chicago, 12 In Atlanta, 44 shot in NYC, a number of people shot in Philadelphia, 8 dead, and all over the US just this past week end and I’ve seen no outrage. I see no one demanding justice for these children, babies that are now gone. Yet, a white officer kills a black person and all hell breaks loose. Someone needs to check the stats on how many blacks versus whites are killed by police...I think you will all be surprised. I am in no way justifying a purposeful, premeditated murdered by an officer, but a 20 second video on YouTube or on a newscast does not tell the full story in many cases.
Sad, but irrelevant to the discussion of police officers being shielded from liability when they kill unarmed citizens.