Why do you all hate Detroit? Why are you all trying to keep Detroit from rising? These same exact problems happen in Chicago, New York, and LA. Detroit is a victim of the anti-Detroit bias that permeates all the media- local, national, and international.

None of this is the fault of Detroit's government or citizens. It is a racist ploy foisted on Detroit by its vicious enemies in the surrounding suburbs, Ann Arbor, Washington, and the world. The city of Detroit and its citizens are blameless victims suffering under this conspiracy that was formed solely to destroy Detroit, its citizens, and its industry. This board is full of "blame the victim" posts.

There are no crimes in Woodbridge, only rumors of crimes. Rumors started by the agents of destruction sent to Detroit. Wouldn't the police let the population know if there were crimes committed in the city? What are you trying to say? That the DPD would lie about something like murder rates for example to deflate the crime numbers? HA! That might happen in DC, or NY, or LA but not in Detroit.

I think that anyone who posts on here who does not live IN Detroit is suspect. Everyone. They are obviously seeking the destruction of Detroit for their own selfish gain. This board shuold mandate city residency for all posters. There is no other way to control the infiltrators.

Why are film crews suddenly coming here anyway? Isn't the film industry run by Jews?If you dig deeper, you will see the truth that the Jewish bankers controlled by the Rothchilds are trying to destroy Detroit for dome secret sinister purpose. Who knows what? Maybe they want the salt? All I know is that any one who questions Detroit must be purged. A full scale pogrom may be necesary. But Detroit will succeed, By Any Means Necessary!