Quote Originally Posted by Shelby_ View Post
LOL. I don't necessarily disagree, but we're living in Trumplandia now. Everyday is a new day in which the bar for what is acceptable reaches a new low.

For example: Today The President of the United States altered a National Hurricane Center map with a sharpie to falsely extend the official forecast toward Alabama so the poor fragile baby didn't have to admit he tweeted information that was incorrect.

Hilariously, this is actually a violation of federal law.


Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.
Yes, Trump's an idiot. And he will win again if the DNC insists on pushing impaired Joe Biden.