Quote Originally Posted by Towne Cluber View Post
Perhaps, although it might be somewhat wishful thinking given that...

1) illegal drug cartel activity has increased in places like Colorado

2) drug dealers aren’t going to just give up their livelihood so easily and go away quietly—especially in places like Detroit, where a significant portion of the population has very limited job options

3) many users already have their less expensive [[illegal) supplier and might not so easily switch over to a more expensive option just because it’s a legal source. If one wasn’t worried about legality before, a change in the law probably isn’t going to affect them now. People tend to choose less expensive options.

4) Gambling is legal but some people still choose to do it illegally [[and even get killed over it).
1) What is your data to support this claim?

2) Who said they would? There's plenty of illegal drugs to sling besides weed. But their weed sales will go down once regular people can just go to the weed version of an Apple store to buy it instead of shady dude in a rundown apartment complex somewhere. So that's still less money funneled into the criminal underworld and more funneled into the state's legitimate economy.

3) Again, what is your data for these nonsense claims of yours? Legal weed is going to be more expensive? Says who? Illegal products already come with a premium attached to the price because of the extreme risks involved in producing, smuggling them, and selling them. And Michigan will actually tax marijuana at a comparatively lower rate than most states. Unless you show me hard data, I see no reason to assume that legal weed will cost an arm and a leg more than the illegal variety to the point that people will BREAK THE LAW and risk jail to save literally just a few dollars. If I told you you could save $1 on a six-pack of beer, but you had to commit a misdemeanor offense to do it, would you?

4) Ah yes, those incredibly common gambling murders. That incredibly common thing. Please, do enlighten us, provide a link to a news story about the most recent illegal gambling murder in Michigan. I mean, it's such a common thing, you should have plenty to choose from.