Look EMU Steve, I truly enjoy this forum and the conversations it provides. We as members have great give and take. But it's so very clear that you love the Ilitches. I don't know how, with all the evidence we have presented to you that you still believe they have the city's best interest in mind.

All I pointed out was the issue here is that a building next to LCA finally is getting blight tickets. You decided to raise the point that they should have done something with the building after all that time they owned it otherwise they wouldn't be in this position.

Coincidentally, Ilitch has done nothing with numerous properties he owns, in fact, lets them deteriorate to the point where it's an eyesore and they don't get blight tickets but you seem to not raise an issue there, only if it's a non-Ilitch property do you care.

This is what we have a problem with. Your blind allegiance to Olympia is obvious and it hurts your credibility in terms of having a conversation about it. We know what to expect when this topic comes up.