Does anyone else lament the downfall of wjr? I know many are young on the forum and may not remember wjr when it was all local. But to hear it now as a mouthpiece for the black helicopter crowd is just sad.

I listen to the Frank Beckmann show. Lately he has been doing a lengthy misinformation campaign on the health care issue. His mantra is ...." where is it guaranteed in the constitution".... as if he were a constitutional scholar.

I don't know if the obama health care plan is the best idea. I do know that bullshit smear tactics by wjr via Beckmann are very transparent. The guest list is heavily skewed to his point of view save the one or two guests a week who disagree; allowing him to say he presents all sides...........RIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

I have observed that the right wing black helicopter crowd talk in grand gestures.........socialism, facism our rights are being taken away_ whereas the left wing via npr talk in much more personal terms i.e. they relate issues to themselves personally.

Anyway way back wjr was a good station with hosts that did not take themselves so damn seriously and had a sense of humor.