Quote Originally Posted by Towne Cluber View Post
I guarantee that I've been in this city longer than you and with a nicer car. Funny how "my laziness" didn't stop me from being a D1 athlete in college or a military officer. It's also funny how it didn't stop me from walking 10-15 miles a day for a week in Manhattan last summer.
I can guarantee you that I don't care about how long you've been in this city, your rusty minivan or your inferiority complex. I fell out of my chair laughing that you feel the need to qualify yourself to me. It's pathetic.

Quote Originally Posted by Towne Cluber View Post
I can't tell if you trying to pass off opening day/major concert parking pricing as a daily [[or even weekend) occurrence is more plain disingenuous or just outright dishonest.
A fact is a fact. I've already proved it to you and I've experienced these parking scams in downtown on the weekends numerous times. You can play your Monty Python sketch with someone else. You should run for politics for being so damn ignorant.

Quote Originally Posted by Towne Cluber View Post
Likewise with you trying to pass off a three hour round-trip walk from Downtown to Belle Isle as something that the average person/family could/would do.
It's under one hour each way. I don't know why people are so damn lazy to walk these days or is it just you? Why is walking for two hours on a day off on a weekend such a problem for you? I like to drive with the windows down and I also like to walk. Enjoy the scenery and new developments. I don't have a problem with it. Get a bike then or drive your minivan if you're so fat and lazy. People have been doing this walk to Belle Isle from downtown for over a hundred years and you're complaining about it now?? Give me a break.