Kid Rock is not my candidate for Senate, but I am not a believer that one needs "special training" or academic credentials or brilliant resume to do well in public office. Character and brains [[not to be confused with education) are the key factors. The best resume ever to be elected president was James Buchanon, and that didn't turn out to be a great success. Jimmy Carter is a brilliant man, a nuclear physicist. Doesn't mean he had any idea whatsoever how to deal with Russians, Iranians, inflation or members of his own party. Citizens from any walk of life can make for a good legislator. Or a terrible one. Most of the members of Congress for the last half century have been well educated, experienced politicians. Everyone love Congress? Michigan's best member of Congress in the last quarter century, if you ask me, was Candace Miller, the former housewife with no college education. She puts in the work and gets the job done. Kid Rock might be amazing or terrible, but he is neither because of his experience or education. Hiding behind resumes and credentials one can easily find incompetence, corruption or malpractice.