Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
I love Hamtramck. It is so colorful and wherever the eye travels it is interesting. It is the embodiment of the true American dream. It has always been like a great sponge for those aspiring to get started in America, in business or in life adsorbing wave after wave of immigrants from the Poles and Ukrainians, to the Balkan war refugees to the current wave of Bengalis,Yemenis, young artists and urban dreamers. It is continually recycled and renewed.

It's great asset is its affordability and economic and social equality. There is no upper crust district and no flat out ghetto slum. It is all working and slightly lower middle class. Families, businesses and lives have a chance to start up in relative security and opportunity. It is always getting better and yet staying the same. Good stuff will always be be happening there.

"Charest Street - Hamtramck"

Winter advisory to Hamtramck newbies: If you see a shoveled out parking place with an old kitchen chair sitting in it... you will be better off hitting on the spouse of its owner than parking in that spot.
Lowell, how can I get a print of Charest Street - Hamtramck?