Fairly young, not new to the forum... I always wonder... has it ever worked? Has cutting taxes for "job creators" and deregulation ever really worked for the common man?

And what is the common man these days anyways?

Either way, from a personal standpoint, tax wise I did better under W. But it was a depressive time to be around, the overall economy was depressed. I paid more under Obama, but the overall economy around me was better.

If I had to choose between the two... I'd rather pay more and taxes and have a better standard of living for me and those around me than just me.

Although there is something seriously wrong with the tax spectrum. I consider myself in the "screw you" category... I am too poor for republican tax breaks and too rich for democrats.

Going back to taxes under W. I am no sucker, they can keep their crumbs. The best analogy I can give them is that they gave us crumbs in tax relief to shut us up while those at the very top got loaves.

I am no Marxist, but if I had to choose, my short professional career has seen better results under Obama than Bush. I am not convinced that deregulation or tax breaks ever trickle down.