Quote Originally Posted by belleislerunner View Post
Everyone has the choice to wake up each morning and choose their attitude to be either a victim mentality or choose to be an overcomer mindset? Why would you choose to be a victim?

That choice determines your destiny.

Stop making excuses for your life and change the outcome. You'll never convince an overcomer to be a victim. Or sympathize with a victim mentality. It's a poor choice.

Nothing is more annoying to an overcomer than blame or excuses. They're just broadcasting bad behavior.
I don't understand how a simple job fair aimed at at-risk youth turned into a fucking bitch fest of white people saying it's discriminatory because it doesn't help them. How selfish is that?

I would say the state of some black communities correlates with how they've been treated for the past 400+ years. Yes some get out of the school to prison pipeline, but some don't. And this can change that. Buuuuuut no white people need to complain because it's "too centric" towards black and brown youths and that's just not fair to white youths. Well maybe if the system was equitable we wouldn't have this fucking problem, but we do.