A Wall is NOT considered as a Wall [[or fence) when it's erected around the White House, a Papal Residency, a Democrat Convention [[4 miles of it), Paul Ryan's House et al. [[these walls would not be necessary if we had a Wall at the Mexican border so we all had security).

Perhaps an example of a wall that really does the job is the one built 2000 years ago by the Chinese. To this day there's still no Mexicans, Central Americans or Muslims in China and the Chinese are not being destroyed from within by globalism, multiculturalism and diversity.

Then of course there is the very successful wall between Israel and Palestine which has reduced the number of attacks from Palestinians.

The Berlin Wall didn't work of course because it was built for political reasons like the one at the Dem. Con. to drive a wedge between people of the same nationality but different ideologies.

We need a Wall at the border and if the Mexicans won't pay for it we should bill it to the Democrats.