Quote Originally Posted by 48307 View Post
Yes, many places have lead service lines.

However, Flint is special, because when the state's emergency financial manager forced Flint to temporarily switch to the Flint River as an interim water source, there were two issues:

- The Flint River is more corrosive than lake water
- No corrosion control was used

This caused the pipes to start leaching lead into the water. Where in Rochester Hills I don't have to worry about that because DWSD\GLWA uses corrosion control, just as every single water providing entity should.

When the whole crisis arose I remember saying, "so what, we all have lead pipes, stop whining". Then as I found more and more facts about how water gets from a source to the tap, and found out what failed to happen in Flint, I realized that this is a huge issue and those people are being poisoned.

As to the EPA not admitting fault, you're probably right.
If you live in Rochester Hills, you probably do not have lead issues. Most of the homes in Rochester Hills were on individual well water and the DWSD mains and home taps are relatively new.