A historical question: When did the designation "West Village" first begin? This was my mother's old neighborhood [[1920s to 1960s); she was born in a house on Seyburn. However, I don't recall anybody using that term, ever. It was always just "Islandview"....all of that area was Islandview, except for Indian Village of course.[/QUOTE]

1974 was when the West Village Association was started and began using the term after they set the “boundaries.” Prior to that, the whole area was popularly called Indian Village [[until the Historic Indian Village Association was founded in about 1967, and they set their boundaries)
I don’t think Islandview was used as a neighborhood term until later – when the Islandview Association started in 1978 – and it described a smaller area than the Islandview that Villages CDC now describes.
Unfortunately, Google and Bing maps don’t know where the boundary lines are and often designate West Village as part of Islandview.