Not a Detroit Tiger, a real tiger. It seems a photoshoot company with a permit to do a photo shoot in the Packard Ruins brought with them wild animals, including a tiger, and oops....

"Two men took to social media Monday to announce they were corralling a live tiger inside the city's historic Packard Plant.

Kari Smith, director of development for the Packard Plant, confirmed the tiger was inside the plant as part of a photo shoot along with two other large cats. The animals came from Animals of Montana, based in Bozeman, Montana.

Smith told reporters the tiger got away from the photo shoot. She said the crew did get a permit to work in the plant but did not tell plant officials that they intended to bring a tiger into the building."

A video posted to Facebook and Instagram shows one of the men trying to scare the big cat out of a stairwell. What looks like a fake tiger turns and swats at the device one man uses to try to scare it.
The tiger does growl as it swats at the man before the video ends.