Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
What a bunch of fuddy duddies. Gwen talks about stuff that my friends and I have done growing up in the D. We got caught at times and we got away with way more than our fair share when we were young. We had Belle Isle, Foot of Alter, Foot of Connor, Balduck Park and that was just the East side. We used to drag race on Huber Ave between St. Cyril and Mt.Elliot for money. Cruise the main drags and drink and smoke doobies and chase girls. Get in fights, run from the cops and who ever. It was part of growing up.

Spent a few nights in the pokey too because of our antics. But the cops were more like on our side after a few hours and they sure weren't so militant.

Then we grew out of doing that stuff and raised families.

What's different today? This whole idea of zero tolerance and the excessively authoritarian, oppressive justice system. That's just the half of it. Then have to put up with the crazy ass gang bangers with 9's.

It's serious business now to have rebellious fun.

All in good fun... we love being bad cause it sure feels good.

I agree,the criminal justice system has become a business and it seems as though the tolerance level has dropped,here they arrested a 10 year old kid because he did not stop at a stop sign on his bike,10 years old and already in the system when all he needed was a good scolding.

In Fl for every person arrested that spends more then 8 hours in jail the state receives over $200 per person,you can bet if there is a reason no matter what or even a perceived reason you will go to jail even if it gets thrown out in court afterwards.

When we were growing up cops,teachers and elders in general you respected if not you got your butt whipped not only in school but when you got home,its just something you did not do, is disrespect.

If we got pulled over and weed was found they made you dump it out and grind it into the dirt and you were on your way,now they will confiscate your car if they find a seed in it.

You have to kinda wonder if this whole broken window theory and suppression through force for those of all colors is a bit off course and the whole "I do not care what happens as long as I feel safe" and its long term effects.

We as a country are so involved in the rights and how governments in other countries treat their population,we forget about what is really going on in ours.