Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
Guess what's happening in Downtown Detroit right at this very moment, Chief? Tons of old buildings have been/are being rehabbed and filled with tenants. But you can't renovate buildings that don't exist! Compare the number of renovated buildings to the number of brand-new buildings that have been erected on Ilitch-owned scorched-earth lots. It's just not smart to demolish buildings when they're needed to accommodate demand.

Yes, this makes sense. All kinds of old buildings are being renovated, so let's tear another one down so we can have another empty lot. That way, we're certain to have redevelopment I think!

This isn't even about historical significance. It's about being wise. Detroit has spent MILLIONS of dollars over the past several decades demolishing buildings. And for what? Empty lots!

"Hi, I'm Velvet Jones, and this is my new book, "How to Turn $100,000 in Real Estate into $10,000 Cash!'."

Nor should a new Detroit look like Hall Road. I think you had better go to New York, Philadelphia, Chicago--hell, Cleveland--and tell them all how stupid they are for filling old buildings downtown. Because clearly, you know something that everyone else doesn't.
No, apparently you are the one who knows better than everyone else including the people who have been successful enough to have the means to make multi-million dollar investments in the City of Detroit. Stay close to your phone. They could be calling you at any moment to be a consultant. Or maybe not.