Quote Originally Posted by SyGolden48236 View Post
Again, the choice to do what he does lies solely with Mr. Robertson. If he did not want to do what he does he could move closer to his job, find a job closer to his home, or simply not work and be a leech on society.

He is doing a good thing. Quit trying to make this an argument about the evil "man". The evil "capitalist boss". Nobody is forcing Mr. Robertson to do what he does.

Why don't you celebrate the man for having a good work ethic instead of trying to make this into something it is not? The only person whose opinion matters is Mr. Robertson. And he obviously doesn't have a problem doing what he needs to do to be a contributing and productive member of society.
In light of the fact that you're just posting the same words over and over again in a slightly different order, I guess my response is:
Quote Originally Posted by antongast View Post
He's working his ass off day after day, depriving himself of sleep and ruining his health, and he's still exactly where he started. Meanwhile the factory owner who only knows him as "that guy with the really good attendance record" is getting richer and richer year after year off James Robertson's work ethic and dedication.
I'm getting the strong impression that you find this response distasteful, but I don't understand why you think it's incorrect. I don't dispute that he's not being forced to work this job, and I don't dispute that he has a good work ethic. I'm pointing out that his choices and his work ethic appear to be enriching the factory owner and not him. Your responses give me no reason to believe that I'm wrong about this.