Thank you for referring me to this book Lorax. I am not through it yet, but so far, it is a very rich collection of material as follows:

1. Without evidence of any sort, the opening attack assumes the myth of manmade global warming to be a fact. Too bad, this was written and published before global cooling started.

2. The claimed fall of American society followed, and is the result of the fall of Russian communism from losing the cold war. IOW, had they won, we would be better off according to Hartmann.

3. Our founding fathers were villains elevated by revisionist history to eclipse the real heros...."radical revolutionaries sacrificing for the common good".

What a great start, more to come as I go through the material [[which, for the first time in my experience, the author refers to as "very fine material"...a bit insecure are we Mr. Hartmann?)

You did read this didn't you Lorax?

Once I finish, or sooner if you like, per your proposed bargain, you are obligated to read the book/books I recommended. I look forward to your thoughts on them.