Lunchtime today, parked my car on Beaubien Street under the People Mover. Niki's took an extra couple of minutes bringing my carryout pizza. Return to my car, little white meter maid car driving away, ticket on windshield. Result: $45 parking ticket. I haven't received a Detroit parking ticket in a few years, but there used to be an option to pay a reduced fee of only $10 if the ticket was paid in a week or 10 days or so. No reference to that on this parking ticket, just to pay $45 within 30 days, or deny responsibility. I don't know if $45 bucks for a meter infraction is out of line with other big city downtowns, but I feel a bit gouged today. End rant. If nothing else, hopefully this will be a notice for others who might be inclined to skimp on putting the extra quarter in the meter, figuring they could live with a $10 fine.