I went to a community meeting at a neighborhood church sometime last March.
A church parishioner alerted me to the fact that there was a sewer in front of the
church that was totally blocked. This caused an ice rink in front of the church -
not good for weddings or funerals. Could I do anything about it? Well, I would try.
Apparently someone from the church had contacted DWSD earlier and nothing
happened. I called the repair number. There will be a repair order number for
any pending repair job. DWSD had none on file for this church, so I requested a repair
for the sewer. The sewer was located on a cross street, not the church's address
street, so I thought it was very possible that repair persons had come out and checked
the church's address street and found all of the sewers there to be okay, so I
specifically mentioned that the sewer needing attention was on the cross street.