Quote Originally Posted by Bill Simpson View Post
I'm surprised the weather people aren't getting more flack. I recall seeing a forecast of .6 inches of rain for the day and thinking the grass seed I planted would like that. Little did I know it would all get washed away and end up in the road in front of my driveway.
the weather forecasts have been notoriously off this year. forecasts of last weekend being 75 , turns out to be 85. forecasts of rain 5 days a week and getting none. i mean, michigan gets the same number of rain days per year , how come they keep forecasting thunderstorms ?

"The entire state averages 30 days of thunderstorm activity per year."

somethings broken if our average tstorm days are 30 out of 365 and yet the weather service predicts more than 50 tstorms. any websites that track incorrect weather predictions ?