Well it passed the house at least.

Snyder's little failure of a district limps on. And like most mistakes the people responsible dig their heels in and push harder.

The bill cleared the house with the help of Detroit Democrat and Independent, Santana and Olumba respectively.

The progressive commentators have been savaging both of them for it, but I agree with the reasoning 100 percent.

Now the EAA is absolutely a horror show, but Harvey Santana is right. Why should little Ellen and Matthew out in the burbs and the boonies be protected from this mess while bullshit is foisted on Detroit students without even a debate?

News media talk of both sides of their mouths about it. Arguing at the same time it isn't good enough for expansion for non-Detroit children while half a paragraph later arguing to give it a chance for DPS pupils.

There is nothing funnier than watching folks do mental gymnastics to justify conflicting, and hypocritical world views.