Empathy is not a dirty, when it motivates private action, but I keep emotion out of public policy. I don't favor making policies based on emotions. And, DotWC, I would select choice "A" married in one of the several states where the elected legislature legalized it, not subject to judicial overturn. That will include Michigan, and most states, in the next few years. About judicial decisions: judges are not the be all and the end all. Take for instance the Virginia marriage decision from Friday, where the judge cited language in what she termed "the Constitution" but meant the Declaration of Independence. That is an error of legal judgment a smart high school civics student could detect, and will take several minutes in an appeals court to overturn. Basing one's freedom on the creative writing skills of a politically motivated judge is bad governance. And it screws over those who "get married" just to have their marriage placed in limbo.

Now the race is on for me to find a husband before Michigan legalizes marriage. And I ride wherever I want on the bus; but I prefer to walk.