Quote Originally Posted by majohnson View Post
Police should clear a non-moving person blocking a doorway to an event. The reporter's twice entering of the secure area when he was just alerted that the area was off limits provides insight into the likelihood that he followed previous direct police orders.

When the police ask a person to clear an area they would otherwise be able to occupy, the best thing to do is follow the directions. You can complain to the chain of command later.
majohnson -- Yours is a reasonable, rational explanation. Obviously there is still a lot unknown, and I'm looking forward to hearing the results of Chief Craig's investigation and possibly seeing the film footage leading up to what was released.

The problem here isn't just the scuffle between Elrick and DPD. The other problem is Cushingberry's response to it. He could have easily just said what you wrote.


-- "european victims don't like to answer to black authority"
-- "if he were in a synagogue he wouldn't have acted so rudely"
-- "just another instance of driving while black"

My objection with Cushingberry is that while most of us realize that we need to move away from race-baiting and hostility, he seems to enjoy bringing us back to it.

It's unproductive for both race relations and policy making. It needs to end now.