Quote Originally Posted by tg_jessica View Post
Why not a concert for Detroit?
Other cities and areas have had concerts for economic aid and to show a little love and support when they are down, so why not one for Detroit? Toronto had a one after SARS, the east coast had one after Superstorm Sandy, and there was a concert for the mid-west after some tornados blew thru. Well Detroit has had a whole lot of hot air blowing thru for the last 60 years or so causing massive damage, so where is our concert? With the amount of talent that has come out of Detroit and the surrounding area and with the amount for “artists” that proclaim their love for Detroit [[i.e. making their money, then hauling butt out of town), it should be easy to get an all-star lineup. Immediately coming to mind is any of the surviving Motown groups and singers, also groups and singers like Bob Seger, Kid Rock, Jack White, J.Geils, Eminem [[not a fan but still), and many, many others. There are also many actors and actresses who have came for Detroit, so putting on a little lovefest for Detroit should be very easy. The proceeds could go to helping the neighborhoods rebuild and to protect valuable assets such as the D.I.A. Just an idea.
The amount raised would have little impact and as others have said it would be a tough sell just for Detroit.

These venues are used to draw awareness to a cause on a large scale the money raised is secondary.

If one picked a cause that applied all across the country and based the concert in Detroit as a host and not for Detroit it may be feasible.The residuals would impact on the street level directly.

There is a massive push to bring manufacturing and jobs back to this country,it is something everybody,no matter where they live can relate to just as they can relate to Detroit as a manufacturing center.

There are a lot of manufactures that overextended debt in the peak and are now in bankruptcy and could use a fresh start with the lower overhead,Detroit could capitalize on that.

It would become a political advantage with the currant administration so it could gain support from that aspect.

Maybe not such a naive question after all,more so of how it is presented.

Being naive comes from saying nobody outside of Detroit cares,as if somebody is going to come running up Woodward with a fat check,or a congressman or woman from another state is going to stand up in front of their constituents who are also hurting and tell them they are also supporting Detroit.

This stuff is done quietly and in whispers,your part was to put a form of government in place that was accountable to the people,you are still in the process of doing that and monies have already been allocated,it takes time.

Nobody outside of Detroit needs to love it,they just need to realize the potential and how the fits into the bigger picture of the country as a whole.