Quote Originally Posted by Django View Post
I would rather have the work of Tyree in my neighborhood making something creative rather than just letting the abandoned's rot. There is no way in hell that block is not a positive compared to any other blocks north South East or West of Heidelberg. Your statement about 2nd grader finger paint gets no points. Where did you get your fine arts degree? The very fact we argue if its art makes it art. The art is not in what is painted, sculpted, or hung, its in the feeling it gives. Tyree has improved his block, taken something thought of as garbage and turned it around into something beautiful. It wouldn't work in Garden City no doubt, I cant think of one interesting thing in Garden City but it works here in Detroit so why knock it. Im proud to know the man and the pride he has given that area.
ok, put down the joint for a minute and read the words that I am typing, process them in your head and try to understand that I NEVER SAID THE PROJECT WASN'T ART. Art can be anything and I'm not the judge of what is or isn't art. Art creates conversation and with this being a mere sample of the debate about the project that has gone on since the 80's, I'd unfortunately say that Heidelberg is the most talked about art in the city of Detroit. I never said anything about Garden City or whether it is here or there, I simply implied that the Heidelberg Project looks like shit. Yes, some people might think it looks better than abandoned houses and overgrown lots and I can kind of agree with that. As for the 2nd grader comment I made, I have a daughter in kindergarten whose painting skill is almost at the level of Guyton's.

I still think that all the time, money, and energy spent by the volunteers on the HP could be better served tearing down abandonment in other surrounding neighborhoods [[fuck the red tape, if it's dangerous tear it down). Now they're trying to raise $50,000 to install cameras to watch piles of garbage. And before either of you chime in and talk more shit yes I have volunteered and worked with John and others at Motor City Blight Busters many times in the past and I do as much as I can to help the city I was born and raised in and ONLY 6 years ago moved away from in search of a better school system for my daughter.

Gannon, if you're referring to the work of Scott Hocking then I know exactly what you're talking about and I have no issues with his installments in the city. I think they are clever, and well executed and not forced down anyones throat with vivid colors and the word 'GOD' painted on everything.

Just stop talking because once again you're making yourselves look silly.