Quote Originally Posted by Toka313
BK court CAN NOT force the city to do things they don't want to do.
This is true, but I don't think it means what you think it means. Your employer can't force you to show up at work if you don't want to, but if you don't, he can fire you.

The bankruptcy court cannot force an asset sale, but if the judge doesn't think you are presenting an acceptable plan he can throw you out of bankruptcy, at which point you and your assets are no longer protected from the creditors you may have defaulted on, and some other court may well let them start grabbing assets. So if the bankruptcy judge believes that it would be appropriate to sell some of your assets as part of an equitable settlement, your alternatives may not include holding on to those assets.

The problem in Detroit is that while a judge probably isn't going to think it is reasonable to sell Belle Isle, I don't have any particular idea whether one might think it was reasonable to sell some paintings. Certainly I hope not. It is also possible that the Legislature could shield the assets from actions in state courts.