Quote Originally Posted by subsidized View Post
I know, I know. It's been talked about to death already, but it's still a good idea and it's not just us Detroit slappys doing the talking anymore.

The state is considering raising a portion of I-375 between Gratiot and Jefferson in hopes of sparking new development. Nothing is official yet as at this point they are just tossing out ideas. Money is tight and officials don't want to spend more than it would cost to repair the road as it sits now. One interesting idea included having the private sector invest in the project, and in return receiving a portion of the newly freed up land to develop.

Read more at Crains: http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article...65-a-boulevard
You know, in the recent thread/s about the freeway, I don't remember that the discussion was about "raising" the freeway - that is, having more street level traffic. Shoot, that sounds worse than it is already.

I thought we had talked about a possible closing off of the freeway altogether, south of the Fisher.

Btw, someone in that tread, last month, talked about how desolate - or something like that - the walk is from Lafayette Park across to Downtown. Though many challenged that view, because of course, it isn't exactly empty, I agree, just didn't post it then. I think it's the expanse of freeway that contributes to that feeling.